Pimpistry 101

Everybody got secrets, including me, you and apparently Bishop Eddie Long (Alleged Sexual Abuse).  But God knows the heart and he knows our “Secret Sin”. Some may say that what is between you and God is between you and Him. Well that is true. However,  Secret Sin is Not Safe and whatever is in the dark WILL come to light IF not dealt with! Repentance is key! So before we start bashing Eddie let’s first take a retrospective look at our own “Secret Sin” that don’t nobody but God know. The mess is out there now. Lets see how this thing is spun. But you can only deal with mess so long before it starts to stink up the entire house.

I read something from John Mac Arthur that I think gets to the core of what we are seeing going on today.

Nothing “Safe” About Secret Sin


John MacArthur

Copyright 2007, Grace to You.

Christ’s exposition of the law is a devastating blow against the lie that image is everything.

Christ taught repeatedly that sin bottled up on the inside, concealed from everyone else’s view, carries the very same guilt as sin that manifests itself in the worst forms of ungodly behavior. Those who hate others are as guilty as those who act out their hatred; and those who indulge in private lusts are as culpable as wanton adulterers (Matt. 5:21-30).

So Christians are not to think of secret sins as somehow less serious and more respectable than the sins everyone sees. Here are three reasons secret sin is especially abhorrent:

1. Because God sees the heart.

Scripture tells us “God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart” (1 Sam. 16:7). No sin—not even a whispered curse or a fleeting evil thought—is hidden from the view of God. In fact, if we realized that God himself is the only audience for such secret sins, we might be less inclined to write them off so lightly.

The Bible declares that God will one day judge the secrets of every heart (Rom. 2:16). He “will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil” (Eccl. 12:14).

Not only that, secret sins will not remain secret. “The Lord [will] bring to light the things hidden in the darkness” (1 Cor. 4:5). Jesus said, “There is nothing covered up that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known. Accordingly, whatever you have said in the dark shall be heard in the light, and what you have whispered in the inner rooms shall be proclaimed upon the housetops” (Luke 12:2-3). Those who think they can evade shame by sinning in secret will discover one day that open disclosure of their secrets before the very throne of God is the worst shame of all.

It is folly to think we can mitigate our sin by keeping it secret. It is double folly to tell ourselves that we are better than others because we sin in private rather than in public. And it is the very height of folly to convince ourselves that we can get away with sin by covering it up. “He who conceals his transgressions will not prosper” (Prov. 28:13).

All sin is an assault against our holy God, whether it is done in public or in secret. And God, who beholds even the innermost secrets of the heart, sees our sin clearly, no matter how well we think we have covered it.

2. Because sin in the mind is a fruit of the same moral defect that produces deeds of sin.

When Jesus said hatred carries the same kind of guilt as murder, and lust is the very essence of adultery, He was not suggesting that there is no difference in degree between sin that takes place in the mind and sin that is acted out. Scripture does not teach that all sins are of equal enormity.

That some sins are worse than others is both patently obvious and thoroughly biblical. Scripture plainly teaches this, for example, when it tells us the sin of Judas was greater than the sin of Pilate (John 19:11).

But in His Sermon on the Mount Jesus was pointing out that anger arises from the same moral defect as murder; and the one who lusts suffers from the same character flaw as the adulterer. Furthermore, those who engage in thought-sins are guilty of violating the same moral precepts as those who commit acts of murder and adultery.

In other words, secret sins of the heart are morally tantamount to the worst kind of evil deeds—even if they are sins of a lesser degree. The lustful person has no right to feel morally superior to a wanton fornicator. The fact that she indulges in lust is proof she is capable of immoral acts as well. The fact that he hates his brother shows that he has murder lurking in his heart.

Christ was teaching us to view our own secret sins with the same moral revulsion we feel for wanton acts of public sin.

3. Because hidden sin involves the compounding sin of hypocrisy.

Those who sin secretly actually intensify their guilt, because they add the sin of hypocrisy to their offense. Hypocrisy is a grave sin in its own right. It also produces an especially debilitating kind of guilt, because by definition hypocrisy entails the concealing of sin. And the only remedy for any kind of sin involves uncovering our guilt through sincere confession.

Hypocrisy therefore permeates the soul with a predisposition against genuine repentance. That is why Jesus referred to hypocrisy as “the leaven of the Pharisees” (Luke 12:1).

Hypocrisy also works directly against the conscience. There’s no way to be hypocritical without searing the conscience. So hypocrisy inevitably makes way for the most vile, soul-coloring, character-damaging secret sins. Thus hypocrisy compounds itself, just like leaven.

Beware that sort of leaven.

No matter who suggests to you that appearances are everything, don’t buy that lie.

As a matter of fact, your secret life is the real litmus test of your character: “As he thinks within himself, so he is” (Prov. 23:7). Do you want to know who you really are? Take a hard look at your private life—especially your innermost thoughts. Gaze into the mirror of God’s Word, and allow it to disclose and correct the real thoughts and motives of your heart.

I honestly pray the sexual harassment allegations against Long are not true. However, I also realize that God’s will prevails ALL THE TIME and if it is time for this mess to be revealed , So Be It!

IF the allegations are true- WOW is all I can say!

As you get ready to go into 2010 think about your Shepherd (Pastor or Pimp) and what you VOWED to do for him in 2009. Did you promise or vow to pay 100% of your tithes? Did you vow to defend him/her against accusation? Interesting questions that require serious thought.

While knee-deep in the Word of Faith movement I often heard my Pastor Pimp refer to himself as a “Shepherd”. There is nothing wrong with a Pastor taking on the role of a Shepherd to the flock. However, how far should a person follow his/her Pastor or Pimp? Is your Shepherd your covering? All of this mess derives from the Shepherding movement of the early 1970’s

“Shepherding” is a name given to a movement which arose within the Christian Church in the early 1970’s. Largely found within the Charismatic movement, it became a system instituted within many churches whereby elders/bishops or “shepherds” would be appointed to act as spiritual leaders responsible for the church. Individual church members were assigned to specific elders, and were to be “submitted” to them. This was supposed to cause the submitted individuals to be “disciples,” and to be protected by a spiritual “covering.”

Shepherding has gone through an evolution over the years. While not nearly as popular or widespread as in the early 70’s, it is nevertheless still found within the Christian Church. It is also not limited to the Charismatic church, but has become popular within some other movements. Many of the original personalities and teachings of the movement are not widely known today, but it is useful to examine shepherding’s foundations and the teachings that have been emphasized throughout the various manifestations of the movement. This is not an attempt to criticize the particular men quoted, but give an accurate presentation of their teachings, as well as a biblical response to anyone teaching the same concepts in the present-day church.

There is a new twist in the old Shepherding Movement and it is coming soon to your church, if it hasn’t already. This new twist is presented to pastors wrapped in silver gilding, and looks quite reasonable and rational. Should a discerning pastor, or one who steeps himself in the Word, take a second look, theguild disappears and in its place will appear rust and corrosion.

Across the country, parishioners are now being challenged to take oaths, perform vows and sign covenants. These things would have been unheard of in generations past for one simple reason. These things used to be forbidden, or only permitted under the gravest of circumstances. A few decades ago churches founded their beliefs sturdily upon the rocks of historical creeds, documents that have withstood the test of time and human whim, and which have imparted to each new generation an understanding of the major tenets of the Gospel faith. Now, in our latter days of “dumbed-down” Christianity, a minimal number of people in the pews know the creeds, have studied them, or even know about them!

You know the sad thing is that the average parishioner submits to a pimps authority before the ONE who can save, the Lord Almighty!

Thinks twice or rather READ twice before your Daddy tells you to do something. ALWAYS consult the Word of God and not just take your Daddy’s word! Think EVEN harder the next time you PLEDGE YOUR ALLEGIANCE TO YOUR PASTOR. God’s word is clear in OT and NT scripture regarding vows and Oaths:


There are about 30 biblical references to vows, most of which are from the Old Testament. The books of Leviticus and Numbers have several references to vows in relation to offerings and sacrifices. There were dire consequences for the Israelites who made and broke vows, especially vows to God.

The story of Jephthah illustrates the foolishness of making vows without understanding the consequences. Before leading the Israelites into battle against the Ammonites, Jephthah—described as a mighty man of valor (Hmm Sound Familiar)—made a rash vow that he would give to the Lord whoever first came out of doors to meet him if he returned home as the victor. When the Lord granted him victory, the one who came out to meet him was his daughter. Jephthah remembered his vow and offered her to the Lord (Judges 11:29-40). Read the scripture to check out the consequences


Jesus gave a new commandment concerning vows. “Again, you have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘Do not break your oath, but keep the oaths you have made to the Lord.’ But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God’s throne; or by the earth, for it is his footstool; or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the Great King. And do not swear by your head, for you cannot make even one hair white or black. Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No ,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one” (Matthew 5:33-37).

The principle here is clear for Christians: do not make vows, either to the Lord or to one another. First, we are unable to know for sure whether we will be able to keep vows. The fact that we are prone to the errors in judgment which are part of our fallen nature means that we may make vows foolishly and/or because of immaturity. Further, we don’t know what the future will bring—only God does. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow (James 4:14), so to make a vow that we will do or not do something is foolish. God is the one in control, not us, and He “works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:28). Knowing this, we can see that it is unnecessary to make vows and indicates a lack of trust in Him. Finally, Jesus commands that our word be sufficient without making vows. When we say ‘yes’ or ‘no,’ that’s exactly what we should mean. Adding vows or oaths to our words opens us up to the influence of Satan whose desire is to trap us and compromise our Christian testimony.

. If we have made a vow foolishly and realized we cannot or should not keep it, we should confess it to God, knowing that He is “faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” A broken vow, while serious, is not an unforgivable matter if taken to the Lord in true confession. God will not hold us to vows made imprudently, but He expects us to obey Jesus and refrain from making vows in the future.

Again think twice before you pledge your allegiance to anyone. Think hard the next time you recite a “givers confession or creed”. You will have to live up to it one day


One of the most misunderstood virtues plaguing our society today is love. Websters defines love as:

strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties…

….warm attachment, enthusiasm, or devotion

However The giver of love, God, does not view love the way the world does. Real Godly love focuses on what is BEST for mankind versus what makes us FEEL better. We often think we are loved or being loved when our emotional state is touched or we are moved emotionally. Love is all about telling someone the truth when they are wrong. Love is telling your child they can’t go to the party because you know violence will break out. Love is telling a loved one that the doctrine they are subscribing to is killing them spiritually, physically and emotionally.

The Club Owner at Club Hustle & Flow Andre Landers, repeatedly murdered a portion of scripture that is probably one of the greatest versus in scripture that emphasis God’s love.

16“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Landers exegesis of the text contends that God so loved His Order (World  or Universe) that  He Sent His only son to die for it. WRONG (Game Show Buzzer going off). The word Kovsmo (Cosmos) has several different contextual meanings.

It is true that God sacrificed Himself to save the World or Kovsmo. However the word “Kovsmo” must be taken into proper context. Kovsmo must, in context, refer to the entire world. Compare to 1 John 2:15

15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him.

It is clear based on the contextual use of the word World, that John is talking about a lost, evil rebellious world. In specific, John is talking about the evil sinful man or women that is, you and I prior to salvation. In other words God loved a perverse, sinful, evil, unholy group of humans on this planet called Earth that He (God) was willing to do the right thing (Which is God’s nature and TRUE LOVE) and sacrifice all. This sovereignty of God is incomprehensible to man. The World deserved death but God chose before the formations of the World to save it! This is a great reminder to us just what is important as we live out our lives, God’s love and the opportunity we have to live through His Glory!

Sadly the Pimp of Hampton used this scripture to remind folks of God’s “order” and the need to sow, tithe, give money  blah blah blah blah !


Do we really know what “Worship” is as Christians. Honestly,  if asked this question at gun point could you answer the question “What is worship” before getting your head blown off! The following is an excellent comparison contrast of what God worship is and what “man centered worship is.

The Goal of Worship

First of all let me expound on the goal of worship. Glorifying God is our ONLY aim when worshiping God. It is our highest priority.

31So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

I Cor. 10:31

It sounds elementary, but the purpose of our corporate worship service is for our congregation to worship God. Evangelism, though important, is secondary.

What is worship?

The Bible doesn’t give a formal definition of worship. But lets start by seeing what various words for worship mean. The English word “worship” comes from two Old English words: weorth, which means “worth,” and scipe or ship, which means something like shape or “quality.” We can see the Old English word -ship in modern words like friendship and sportsmanship – that’s the quality of being a friend, or the quality of being a good sport.

So worth-ship is the quality of having worth or of being worthy. When we worship, we are saying that God has worth, that he is worthy. Worship means to declare worth, to attribute worth. Or to put it in biblical terms, we praise God. We speak, or sing, about how good and powerful God is.

This is a purpose for which we are called:

You are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light

1 Peter 2:9.

We were called for the purpose of praising God, worshiping God. That is one of the job descriptions of a Christian. We should declare that God is worthy, worth more than everything else put together.

Now let’s look at the biblical words. In both Hebrew and Greek, there are two major kinds of words for worship. The first kind means to bow down at ones feet, to kneel, to put one’s face down as an act of respect and submission. Our body language is saying, I will do whatever you want me to. I am ready to listen to your instructions and I am willing to obey. The other kind of biblical word means to serve. Roughly half of the time these words are translated as worship, and the other half as serve. It carries the idea of doing something for God — making a sacrifice or carrying out his instructions.

Of course, word meanings don’t prove what worship is, but they do illustrate three kinds of worship. There is

1. worship that involves speaking, and
2. worship that involves listening, and
3. a worship that involves doing.

There is a worship that expresses the heart, and worship that involves the mind, and a worship that involves the body. There is a worship that is giving praise upward, a worship that is receiving instructions from above, and a worship that carries out instruction in the world around us.

God Centered vs Man Centered Worship Comparison

The following is a comparison of God Centered and Man Centered Worship:

Sinner Friendly vs Seeker-Driven Worship

According to Romans 3:10-18, there are none who seek God from their hearts. Though we must show love and concern for the sinners who attend worship (In a congregation), we must be careful not to design the worship service around their desires, but around God’s desires. We must remember that the greatest obstacle for the unbeliever is his sinful heart.

In contrast the the seeker-driven model, the worship service is adjusted to “meet the needs” [better called ‘wants’] of the unbeliever, making it ‘relevant’ for unbelievers i.e. making the word “plain” for people to understand, or putting the word on the “bottom shelf”.

The theology behind this seeker-driven movement teaches that everyone seeks for God, and all we need to do is take obstacles out of an unbeliever’s way in order for them to come to Christ. This is dangerous because it allows for the things NOT of God to blend into a worship service.

Entertainment vs. Worship

True Godly worship is done before an audience of One. We are all the participants, and the desire is that God is pleased with our worship (Rev. 5:13, Phil 2:10-11) We stand in awe of God, and then our affections are stirred, not vice versa (Acts 2:43)

With Man Centered worship having the goal of ‘bringing ’em in’ and ‘cleaning them later’ as the top priority results in turning the worship hour into an entertainment session i.e. celebrity guests, lights, dancing etc. The focus is taken off standing in awe of God and placed, instead, on what the participant will enjoy or how he/she will feel.

Needs vs Wants

Godly worship is achieved when  we focus on what man truly needs, we must understand that our greatest need is for God. When we look to God first and do things His way, the outcome will meet the deepest needs of men. (Matt. 6:33)

Man centered worship is dangerous as it relates to needs vs wants. In the name of being ‘needs-based’, the focus actually becomes on what people want i.e. money, favor, and material well being. While people’s shallow desires are constantly fed, the deepest needs are left unmet. This camp tends to produce rapid quantitative growth and a lack of qualitative growth i.e PRAISE reports. All the while the things we REALLY need are left undone often i.e. mended marriages, deliverance form addictions and deliverance from cults.

Human Worth

Human worth is not diminished by being God-centered. Instead, it is established. That is, when we focus on God who alone has worth in Himself, and we understand that we are created in His image, this brings us great worth. (II Samuel 22). However, man has no worth in and of himself, and being man-centered in one’s approach to anything is ultimately futile. Honoring MAN in ritualistic ceremonies and signs of allegance is futile as compared to honoring God, PERIOD

Worshiping God in Spirit and Truth

God desires worshipers who will worship Him in spirit and truth. (John 4:24) We must know the majestic, holy God and our sinfulness in order to worship Him rightly. When we exalt a MAN in our worship service we fail to worship GOD. Man should be completely removed as the focal point of worship.


I honestly hope this post helps the sheeple who often times are subjected to shown allegiance to a MAN who calls himself a Prophet or Apostle or is declared one by his Club Goers.


While caught up at Club New Birth and Club Hustle & Flow , I was taught that  “you can’t worship God without first sacrificing something”? Eddie beat this into the minds of the sheeple and so did Dre. If the Pulpit Pimps of this age lived prior to Christ, a sacrifice (From man) would be in line with the Law.

In the O.T. animals were sacrificed (Killed/shed Blood) at the Brazen Altar to atone for sins:

For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life. (Leviticus 17:11)

A sacrifice to God is required to pay the penalty for Sin. However, God so chose at the beginning of time to set in place a “new disposition” that would apply ONE sacrifice ONCE AND FOR ALL. This sacrifice is Christ:

The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God! (Hebrews 9:13-14)

We have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all. …By one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy. …And where these have been forgiven, there is no longer any sacrifice for sin. (Hebrews 10:10, 14, 18)

Pimps like Dre over at Club Hustle & Flow want to make one think that your money is a bull and that you must part with your wallet as one would part with his prized bull. But CHRIST is our one and only sacrifice for atonement and NOT blessings of money, wealth and stuff. God gives us access to the greatest blessing in the world, SALVATTION!

So the next time your Pimp talks about bringing an offering down to the altar, tkae him a bull! Bt all joking aside,  think about what you are doing and if this principle is in line with the word of God. Study for yourself and you’ll see that you can’t find such a practice. If a Pimp asks for money let he or she be a man or woman about it and ask you to give them money to pay the building bills, their bills, their personal taxes, fund their lifestyles etc. If the Pulpit Pimps of this age want your money, let them be transparent and say what they want to do with the money. Give full disclosure about why they want your money. God gave us Christ and gave us FULL DISCLOSURE  (John 3:16)


The next time your Pimp threatens you with a penalty of curse for not paying your tithes, ask him or her what “Dispensation” this age is in!

As a young boy raised in the Southern Baptist Church I often would hear my Grandmother reference the late J. Vernon McGee and the Thru The Bible Institute. In specific, I remember her teaching on basic biblical truths and beliefs. One of those beliefs was “ Dispensations”.

**According to the  Scofield Reference Bible**
A dispensation is a period of time which is identified by its relation to some particular purpose of God. As used in the Greek New Testament, the word is OIKONOMIA (Strong’s No. 3622) and is defined as a stewardship, administration, management, direction, arrangement, order, or plan.

Practically speaking, dispensationalism speaks of the differences between the administration of human affairs within the sequential divisions of human history. The following is an example:
1.  From Adam to Abraham, for example, when God’s administration of human affairs focused on the entire race as descended from Adam.
2.  From Abraham to Christ, when God’s administration of human affairs focused on one particular family, descendants of Abraham. During this period of time, or age, a distinction is drawn between two divisions of humanity–Jew and Gentile.
3.  From Christ until now, and beyond for an undisclosed period of time; when God’s administration of human affairs focuses on one particular people, comprised of Jew and Gentile alike in one body–the Church.

According to J. Vernon McGee:

Technically speaking, the idea of dispensations and dispensationalism sets forth a principle in Scripture as follows: God places humanity under different and progressive operational temporal conditions, for specific and instructional eternal purposes..

1.  These conditions are laid out in various revealed covenants..
2.  These conditions are instructional to us (Gal. 3:24; Rom. 15:4), as well as to the angelic realm of creation (Eph. 3:10).

The concept of a dispensation is seen in the parable of Luke 16, and the details of a “generic” dispensation are seen
1.  Two parties (v.1): (a) the delegator of duties and (b) the one responsible for performing them.
2.  Specific responsibilities are laid out, and understood by the one responsible for performing them (vv.1-3, context).
3.  The Delegator holds the one responsible accountable (v.2).
4.  As a result of failure, on the part of the one responsible, the stewardship is removed and changed (vv.2,3).

The simplest delineation of dispensational truth is to contrast the Old Testament with the New Testament. Any newborn, babe in Christ can pick up his/her Bible and observe that basic division (That is if you pick up your Bible)
1.     Old Testament: the administration of Law. God handed down the 10 commandments, and the entire Law of Moses. This presented humanity with the responsibility to work and earn blessings. The end result, however, was to demonstrate that man cannot possibly fulfill such a high (perfect) standard. Man cannot earn his way into heaven, and must be provided for in another way.
2.  New Testament: the administration of Grace. God made provision through His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, the means by which mankind may be restored to a relationship with Him. Jesus Christ performed the perfect work that mankind could not do, and paid the penalty for sin on our behalf. The responsibility in this administration is to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved (Acts 16:31).

Another deliniation or contrast can be seen between Jews and Gentiles:
1.  The Age of the Gentiles. Prior to the calling out of Abraham, all of humanity was treated as one body. All were descendants of Adam. God revealed Himself to various prophets (e.g. Adam, Enoch, Noah, Job).
2.  The Age of the Jews. Following the calling out of Abraham (Gen. 12), a distinction begins to be drawn within humanity. Within the descendants of Adam, a particular group is called out that are the descendants of Abraham. A division is drawn between Jews and Gentiles (non-Jews). It is to the Jews that God reveals Himself (e.g. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, the prophets, etc.). This does not mean that God disregarded or ignored the Gentiles during these thousands of years, for there are many notable Gentiles to be found throughout the Old Testament. The significance, though, is that the specific revelations, and the revealed Scriptures were given primarily to the Jews (Rom. 3:2).
3.  The Age of the Church. With the sacrificial death of Christ on the cross of Calvary, a wholly new administration is unveiled. This administration had been previously hidden and is referred to as a mystery (Eph. 1:9,10; 3:9). During this age, there is no longer a distinction between Jew and Gentile (Rom. 10:12; Gal. 3:28; Col. 1:11).
Further, and more intricate developments can (and ultimately, should) be drawn in the observation and study of the significantly detailed covenants within Scripture. These developments typically break down into a seven-fold division of human history from Adam, through Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Christ, and on to eternity. [3]

1.  The Age of Innocence, from the creation of Adam and Eve until they fell into sin.

2.  The Age of Conscience, from the fall into sin to Noah’s flood.

3.  The Age of Human Government, from Noah to Abraham.

4.  The Age of Promise, from Abraham to Moses.

5.  The Age of Law, from Moses to Christ.

6.  The Age of Grace, from the death of Christ to the rapture of the Church.

7.  The Age of Christ, His personal 1000 year reign, yet future.

So why is this important?
We are commanded to do so! (2 Tim. 2:15)

It is critical in avoiding error! Let us say that I commit a personal sin, an offence before God. Let us say, for the illustration that my sin is stealing. What then, should be my activity/responsibility to deal with that sin, and restore my fellowship with the Lord?
Option #1. I might offer to the Lord a bull without defect as a sin offering for the sin I have committed (Lev. 4:3ff.). I might bring the bull to the front door of the church, lay my hand upon its head, and “slay the bull before the Lord.” Then, I might ask the priest if he might take some of the blood inside, and sprinkle it around in various places inside the church. Then of course, the entrails, and the hide have to be dealt with, and so forth. [Does all of this seem silly to you? This is what the Bible says is the way to respond after your sin.. Ah, but maybe that administration is no longer in effect . . .]
Option #2. I might simply pray to the Father, and confess my sin.. If I do so, He is faithful and just to forgive me of my sin, and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). This is the New Testament’s instruction for the confession of sin.
Granted, the illustration here presented is somewhat absurd, and intentionally so. No one today would realistically consider operating under the animal sacrifice administration. It does serve to point out, however, that the differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament are significant. Other issues for consideration may not be as blatantly clear, but they are no less important for an accurate handling.

So here is the crux of the matter as it relates to man’s current dispensation, WE ARE NOT under the law. Therefore stop operating as such by imposing such principles as tithing!


I cannot tell you how many times I heard Pulpit Pimps say,”The blessing flow down”, implying of course that if the “mand of gawd” is blessed then you as the parishioner would be blessed too. Modern day economists call this “Trickle Down Economics” or the “Trickle Down Theory”.  In a trickle down economy tax cuts or other benefits are provided for businesses and rich individuals, in the belief that this will indirectly benefit the broad population. In a church ministry  pimpistry resources are poured into the pimp in the form of tithes, offering and yes love offering.

As a means to foster support, the pimp will from time to time deliver a sermon on how to get, keep and expand your “stuff” (Money, business, higher living etc). The pimp will also say the blessing on him will in some way fall on you! These “raw raw” messages are key in that they entice members to give and they provide a (false) sense of hope that says if I give to the mand of gawd, I will get some of his “trickle down blessings”. 

People caught up in false ministries unfortunately miss the point Christ makes in the gospels. Jesus Christ  used the seed sowing imagery to illustrate various responses to the Word of God. God’s people are called to sow in the hearts of humankind the seeds of God’s Word not MONEY (Matthew 13:3-8, 18-23). Those who tell others about Christ are like a farmer sowing seeds and watering the ground, in other words, instructing and preparing people to receive Christ as Savior. Pulpit Pimps argue that they sow into the hearts of people. But what are they really sowing? Pulpit Pimps sow the seeds of greed, Word of Faith and Oneness Pentecostalism. Pulpit Pimps consistently trick members into thinking that they must bless the mand of gawd in order receive some of the “anointing” on him. In actuality, Pulpit Pimps don’t want to share any money with them!

I challenge you, sow the seed of the only begotten Son with someone today. Sow Christ and the power He provides us. I guarantee you will never go wrong when you sow Christ!